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Usage Notes

Supported Selectors

Selector Example Description
.class .header Selects all elements with the StyleClass property containing 'header'
#id #email Selects all elements with StyleId set to email. If StyleId is not set, fallback to x:Name. When using Xaml, always prefer x:Name over StyleId.
* * Selects all elements
element label Selects all elements of type Label (but not subclasses). Case irrelevant.
^base ^contentpage Selects all elements with ContentPage as base class, including ContentPage itself. Case irrelevant. This selector isn't present in the CSS specification, and only applies to XF.
element,element label,button Selects all Buttons and all Labels
element element stacklayout label Selects all Labels inside of a StackLayout
element>element stacklayout>label Selects all Labels with StackLayout as a direct parent
element+element label+entry Selects all Entries directly after a Label
element~element label~entry Selects all Entries preceded by a Label

Unsupported Selectors (for this version)

  • [attribute] selectors
  • @media or @supports selectors
  • : or :: selectors

Selector combinations

Selectors can be combined without limitation, like in StackLayout > ContentView > But keep it sane !


Styles with matching selectors are all applied, on by one, in definition order. Styles defined on the item itself is always applied last.

This is the expected behavior in most cases, even if doesn't 100% match common CSS implementations.

Specificity, and specificity overrides (!important) are not supported. This is a known issue.

Unsupported Common Properties

  • all: initial
  • layout properties (box, or grid). FlexLayout is coming, and it'll be CSS stylable,
  • shorthand properties, like font, border


  • one of the 140 X11 color (, which happens to match CSS Colors, UWP predefined colors and XF Colors. Case insensitive
  • HEX: #rgb, #argb, #rrggbb, #aarrggbb
  • RGB: rgb(255,0,0), rgb(100%,0%,0%) => values in range 0-255 or 0%-100%
  • RGBA: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8), rgba(100%, 0%, 0%, 0.8) => opacity is 0.0-1.0
  • HSL: hsl(120, 100%, 50%) => h is 0-360, s and l are 0%-100%
  • HSLA: hsla(120, 100%, 50%, .8) => opacity is 0.0-1.0


One, two, three or four values, separated by white spaces.

  • a single value indicates uniform thickness
  • two values indicates (resp.) vertical and horizontal thickness
  • three values indicates (resp.) top, horizontal (left and right) and bottom thickness
  • when using four values, they are top, right, bottom, left

IMPORTANT: This differs from Xaml thickness definitions, which are

  1. separated by commas (,)
  2. are in the form of uniform, horizontal, vertical or left, top, right, bottom


One of the following value, case insensitive. Exact meaning depends of the platform and the control

  • default
  • micro
  • small
  • medium
  • large


initial is a valid value for all properties. It clears the value (resets to default) that was set from another Style.

Additional remarks

  • no inheritance supported, meaning no inherit value and that you can't set the font-size to a layout, and expect all the labels in that layout to inherit the value. The only exception is the direction property, which supports inherit, and that's the default value.
  • element are matched by name, no support for xmlns