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MSBuild Properties

The Mobile.BuildTools additionally provides a number of MSBuild Properties to further assist advanced developers in creating advanced build pipelines.

PropertyName Description
IsUnix Indicates that you are running on a Linux or macOS build agent
PowerShellExe returns the default path for the exe
IsAndroidProject Indicates the current Target Framework is MonoAndroid
IsiOSProject Indicates the current Target Framework is Xamarin.iOS
IsUWPProject Indicates the current Target Framework is UAP
IsMacOSProject Indicates the current Target Framework is Xamarin.Mac
IsTizenProject Indicates the current Target Framework is Tizen
BuildToolsArtifactOutputPath Will default to the Solution Directory in the App folder. In Azure DevOps it will default to the Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory again in the App folder.
IsAppCenter Indicates the current build host is an App Center build agent
IsAzureDevOps Indicates the current build host is an Azure DevOps build agent.
IsAppVeyor Indicates the current build host is an AppVeyor build agent.
IsBitBucket Indicates the current build host is a BitBucket build agent.
IsGitHubActions Indicates the current build host is an GitHub Actions build agent.
IsJenkins Indicates the current build host is a Jenkins build agent.
IsTeamCity Indicates the current build host is a Team City build agent.
IsBuildHost If any of the above CI Platforms return true this will indicate true as well.